Lead author: Professor Emma Johnston AO FTSE
UNSW Sydney
Professor Adrian Barnett
Statistical Society of Australia
Professor Madhu Bhaskaran
Node Director and Chief Investigator, ARC Centre of Excellence for Transformative Meta-Optical Systems
Lyndelle Broadfoot CPHR GAICD
Executive Manager Human Resources, Environment, Energy and Resources, CSIRO
Dr Gunilla Burrows FTSE
Gender Matters
Dr Kathryn Evans
Country Manager, Australia & New Zealand, BioMarin Pharmaceutical Australia
Dr Cathy Foley FAA FTSE
Chief Scientist CSIRO
Associate Professor Nicola Gaston
Department of Physics, University of Auckland; Co-Director, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology
Professor Justin Gooding FAA FTSE
Faculty of Science, UNSW
Kate Hannah
Deputy Director, Equity and Diversity Te P奴naha Matatini, University of Auckland
Professor Lisa Harvey-Smith
Australian Government Women in STEM Ambassador
Professor Elanor Huntington
Dean, ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science, Australian National University
Isabelle Kingsley
Office of Women in STEM Ambassador
Professor Jane Latimer FAA
Deputy Director, Institute for Musculoskeletal Health Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney; Director, Strategy and Engagement, Elizabeth Broderick & Co.
Professor Angela Morgan
NHMRC Practitioner Fellow, Speech and Language group leader, Murdoch Children's Research Institute; Professor of Speech Pathology, University of Melbourne
Associate Professor Miranda Mortlock
Queensland University of Technology; President, Statistical Society of Australia (Qld)
Dr Adi Paterson ATSE
Chief Executive Office, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
Professor Jessica S. Purcell
Chair, Women in Mathematics Special Interest Group, Australian Mathematical Society
Lauren Sullivan
Office of Women in STEM Ambassador
Dr Mingzhu Sun
University of Queensland
Dr Peter H Thrall
Deputy Director, Organisational Development, CSIRO Agriculture and Food
Gender Matters